Integrated Projects

Haikun Wang, Xiaojing He, Xinyu Liang, Ernani F. Choma, Yifan Liu, Li Shan, Haotian Zheng, Shaojun Zhang, Chris P. Nielsen, Shuxiao Wang, Ye Wu, and John S. Evans. 2020. “Health benefits of on-road transportation pollution control programs in China.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sept 2020, 201921271. Publisher's VersionAbstract
China started to implement comprehensive measures to mitigate traffic pollution at the end of 1990s, but the comprehensive effects, especially on ambient air quality and public health, have not yet been systematically evaluated. In this study, we analyze the effects of vehicle emission control measures on ambient air pollution and associated deaths attributable to long-term exposures of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and O3 based on an integrated research framework that combines scenario analysis, air quality modeling, and population health risk assessment. We find that the total impact of these control measures was substantial. Vehicular emissions during 1998–2015 would have been 2–3 times as large as they actually were, had those measures not been implemented. The national population-weighted annual average concentrations of PM2.5 and O3 in 2015 would have been higher by 11.7 μg/m3 and 8.3 parts per billion, respectively, and the number of deaths attributable to 2015 air pollution would have been higher by 510 thousand (95% confidence interval: 360 thousand to 730 thousand) without these controls. Our analysis shows a concentration of mortality impacts in densely populated urban areas, motivating local policymakers to design stringent vehicle emission control policies. The results imply that vehicle emission control will require policy designs that are more multifaceted than traditional controls, primarily represented by the strict emission standards, with careful consideration of the challenges in coordinated mitigation of both PM2.5 and O3 in different regions, to sustain improvement in air quality and public health given continuing swift growth in China’s vehicle population.
liu zhenya headshot


April 17, 2018

2018年4月17日,中国国家电网公司(SGCC)前董事长、现全球能源互联网发展合作组织(GEIDCO)主席刘振亚先生在哈佛大学法学院发表题为“能源创新之道:从特高压电网到全球能源互联网”的公开演讲。演讲探讨了建立全球智能电网的需求与潜力,通过全球能源互联网,用可再生资源生产的能源能够以更低的成本进入千家万户。本次活动由哈佛大学中国能源、经济与环境项目,哈佛法学院东亚法律研究项目,哈佛John A. Paulson工程与应用科学学院,以及哈佛环球学院联合举办。点击此处阅读有关报道。

Read more about 中国国家电网公司前董事长刘振亚就全球能源互联网在哈佛大学发表公开演讲
MEP meeting


August 30, 2017

2017年8月4日,中国气候变化事务特别代表解振华主任在其北京的办公室举行了研究和政策咨询会,会晤哈佛大学中国项目的Mike McElroy和Steve Wofsy教授、项目执行总监Chris Nielsen、前哈佛大学中国项目学者张红军博士(霍兰德奈特律师事务所),以及鲁玺教授(清华大学)。议题包括:中美处理气候问题的现状以及地区政府在气候问题治理中日益重要的作用;中国不同地区碳排放控制能力的差异;碳市场与碳税收政策各自的优势和混合碳定价政策的前景;以及尝试用地球工程来解决气候问题所带来的高风险。... Read more about 同解振华特别代表和李干杰部长进行高层次会晤


Clearing the Air

July 19, 2007

Check the reviews of Clearing the Air, a Harvard China Project book on the health damages of air pollution, and comprehensive costs and benefits of taxes to control pollutants and CO2. Reporting an interdisciplinary study by Harvard University and Tsinghua University engineers, economists, and health scientists, the book is edited by Mun Ho and Chris Nielsen:


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December 17, 2013

《华尔街日报》《气候发展》《哈佛志》《南华早报》援引了Chris Nielsen总监、何文胜博士和曹静教授关于碳税的看法,三人也指出了中国在能源与环境方面的优势与不足,相关观点引述自哈佛大学中国项目的新书《中国更晴朗的天空》(Clearer Skies Over China)。
... Read more about 《华尔街日报》、《哈佛志》、《气候发展》和《南华早报》报道哈佛大学中国项目关于空气污染和碳税的研究



March 14, 2014

《中国日报》对哈佛大学中国项目的碳定价和空气污染研究进行报道;《经济学人》杂志引述我们项目专著《中国更晴朗的天空》(Clearer Skies Over China) 中关于中国二氧化硫排放控制的有效性的研究结论,同时项目研究人员Chris Nielsen先生与何文胜博士也在《纽约时报》就同一主题撰写专栏文章。
... Read more about 《经济学人》、《中国日报》报道哈佛大学中国项目的研究;《纽约时报》就同一主题刊登专栏文章