Chenghe Guan

关成贺 Chenghe Guan




本期人物:关成贺 (2019年初次发表)


这个梦想可不是当个普通的建筑师,而是梦想赢得建筑界的最高荣誉普立茲克建筑奖。于是,关成贺在取得建筑学学士和硕士学位之后进入一家日本建筑事务所工作,不料却遭遇一系列大型项目停摆。“那时我开始想,也许我可以尝试从更宏观的层面思考问题。” 他笑道,“反正我可能永远也得不了普立兹克奖了。”


两年前,他以博士后研究员的身份加入哈佛中国项目,最开始由总监Chris Nielsen先生引荐参与了成都的调研项目。该项目分别于2005年和2016年搜集了成都40个社区居民出行习惯和个人健康的数据。“通过这些数据我们了解了哪种城市模式能够促进居民健康,这得益于哈佛大学设计研究院和哈佛中国项目的合作。譬如,主攻温室气体排放的研究者可以将自己的研究结果同城市化数据相比较,从而引出新的研究课题。然后这些课题又可以进一步引出更宏观的政策问题:如何降低碳排放?如何构建低碳城市?如何指导未来城市规划?等等。”


英文原文由Dan Morrell撰写


[1] Tan, J., Guan, C.* (2021) Are people happier in locations of high property value? Spatial temporal analytics of activity frequency, public sentiment and housing price using Twitter data. Applied Geography 132, 102474 (SSCI)

[2] Yao, Z., Yang, J., Liu, J., Keith, M., Guan, C.* (2021) Comparing Tweet sentiment in megacities using machine learning techniques: In the midst of COVID-19. Cities 116, 103273. (SSCI)

[3] Guan, C., Song, J., Keith, M., Zhang, B., Akiyama Y., Da, L., Shibasaki R., Sato, T. (2021) Seasonal variations of park visitor volume and park service area in Tokyo: A mixed-method approach combining big data and field observations. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 58, 126973 (SCIE & SSCI)

[4] Guan, C.*, Rowe, P. (2021) China’s urban block structures: A comparative study in three cities across different territories. Socio-Ecological Practice Research 3, 37-53. (CNKI)

[5] Gómez, J., Guan, C.*, Tripathy, P., Duque, J., Passos, S., Keith, M., Liu, J. (2021) Analyzing the spatiotemporal uncertainty in urbanization predictions. Remote Sensing, 13(3), 512 (SCIE)

[6] Zhang, Y., Guan, C.#, Chen, B., Zeng, L., Zhang, B. (2021) Tracking embodied water uses and GHG emissions along Chinese supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCIE)

[7] Altinkaya-Genel O., Guan C.* (2021) Assessing urbanization dynamics in Turkey’s Marmara Region using CORINE data between 2006 and 2018. In a special issue - CORINE Land Cover System: Limits and Challenges for Territorial Studies and Planning. Remote Sensing. 13(4), 664 (SCIE)

[8] Zhang, Y., Wu, X., Guan, C., Zhang, B. (2021) Methane emissions of major economies in 2014: A household-consumption-based perspective. Ranking: 3, h5-index (131), IF: 6.551. Science of the Total Environmental, 768, 144523. (SCIE)

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