


August 14, 2018

由于在真实世界里人们几乎无法通过控制数目庞大的变量来创造理想的实验条件,因此想要在社会科学领域进行对照实验几乎是不可能的。然而,在一些偶然情况下,某些政策效果却无心插柳地创造出了一个类实验情境,这种情况被称为自然实验。当北京的车辆限行政策遇上中国人对数字4不吉利寓意的忌讳心理时,自然实验的条件就产生了 — — 哈佛大学中国项目的曹静教授和她的团队抓住了这一千载难逢的机会,顺势就北京空气污染对健康的影响这一课题展开研究。他们已将研究结论整理成论文发表于 Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resources Economists (JAERE)... Read more about 评论:其实4也可以是个幸运数字?中国人对数字4的忌讳心理居然可以用来研究北京空气污染对健康的影响

China ev


May 23, 2018

《金融时报》一篇文章详细探讨了电动汽车是否对中国环境有积极影响。文章认为,中国的能源市场目前依然由矿物燃料主导,尚未完成转型,电动汽车对环境会有哪些影响尚未有定论。文章引述了多篇相关领域的研究论文,包括中国项目最近发表于《自然·能源》期刊的一篇研究。这项研究由来自哈佛大学和清华大学的团队共同合作完成,成员包括哈佛大学中国项目主席Michael B. MCELROY教授、项目执行总监Chris P. NIELSEN先生、博士后研究员陈新宇,以及访问博士生吕家君。此外,哈佛大学Paulson工程与应用科学学院也就该项研究发布了...

Read more about 《金融时报》报道中国项目关于电动汽车充电方式对中国环境影响的最新研究


May 22, 2018

2018年春季学期,哈佛大学中国项目继续推进由哈佛环球学院资助的“中国2030/2050计划”,探究了一批迫在眉睫的课题,包括在《自然·Ÿ能源》期刊上发表了关于电动车充电方式对中国环境有何影响的论文。这项研究由来自哈佛大学和清华大学的科学家们共同合作完成,论文联合作者包括哈佛大学中国项目主席Michael B. McElroy教授、项目执行总监Chris P. Nielsen先生、环境科学于工程研究员陈新宇博士,以及张宏才博士、徐志伟和吕佳君。

哈佛大学中国项目也在《自然Ÿ·科学报告》期刊发表了另一篇论文,提出气候变化可能是导致中国风能潜力下降的因素之一。中国项目特此采访了该文联合作者之一博士研究生Peter Sherman,...

Read more about 2018年春季学期新闻通讯
liu zhenya headshot


April 17, 2018

2018年4月17日,中国国家电网公司(SGCC)前董事长、现全球能源互联网发展合作组织(GEIDCO)主席刘振亚先生在哈佛大学法学院发表题为“能源创新之道:从特高压电网到全球能源互联网”的公开演讲。演讲探讨了建立全球智能电网的需求与潜力,通过全球能源互联网,用可再生资源生产的能源能够以更低的成本进入千家万户。本次活动由哈佛大学中国能源、经济与环境项目,哈佛法学院东亚法律研究项目,哈佛John A. Paulson工程与应用科学学院,以及哈佛环球学院联合举办。点击此处阅读有关报道。

Read more about 中国国家电网公司前董事长刘振亚就全球能源互联网在哈佛大学发表公开演讲
Xinyu Chen, Zhiwei Xu, Chris P Nielsen, and Michael B. McElroy. 2018. “Impacts of fleet types and charging modes for electric vehicles on emissions under different penetrations of wind power.” Nature Energy, 3, Pp. 413-421. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Current Chinese policy promotes the development of both electricity-propelled vehicles and carbon-free sources of power. Concern has been expressed that electric vehicles on average may emit more CO2 and conventional pollutants in China. Here, we explore the environmental implications of investments in different types of electric vehicle (public buses, taxis and private light-duty vehicles) and different modes (fast or slow) for charging under a range of different wind penetration levels. To do this, we take Beijing in 2020 as a case study and employ hourly simulation of vehicle charging behaviour and power system operation. Assuming the slow-charging option, we find that investments in electric private light-duty vehicles can result in an effective reduction in the emission of CO2 at several levels of wind penetration. The fast-charging option, however, is counter-productive. Electrifying buses and taxis offers the most effective option to reduce emissions of NO x , a major precursor for air pollution.
Chenghe Guan. 2018. “Urban form and digitalization of urban design.” Urban Planning International, 33, 1, Pp. 22-27. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In the mid-18 Century, John Snow utilized spatial data analysis to trace the source of a cholera outbreak in London. His methods established the fundamental theory of using urban morphological study to solve practical urban issues. Accompanied by rapid innovation, technological improvement, and increasing computational power, urban morphology has been widely applied to digitalization of urban design. Through the urban form elements proposed by Kevin Lynch, this paper introduces the development of urban morphology in relation to digitalization of urban design in education, design practice and academic research. This paper adopts a variety of international case studies and discusses the importance of urban form and digitalization of urban design at a global scale.
2018 Feb 12

Q&A Session: China's Environmental Challenges 2018: Summer Undergraduate Research Assistantships in China

5:00pm to 6:00pm


Pierce Hall 100F, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Interested in researching in China this summer? Join Harvard-China Project staff and a participating Tsinghua University professor to learn more about our research assistantships opportunity.

The Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy and Environment will provide generous financial support for six Harvard undergraduates to spend the summer in China conducting research on China’s energy and environmental future under the guidance of an English-speaking professor at a leading university, from June 15 to August 16, 2018...

Read more about Q&A Session: China's Environmental Challenges 2018: Summer Undergraduate Research Assistantships in China
Chenghe Guan, Michael Keith, and Andy Hong. 2019. “Designing walkable cities and neighborhoods in the era of urban big data.” Urban Planning International, 34, 5, Pp. 9-15. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this paper, we discuss walkable cities from the perspective of urban planning and design in the era of digitalization and urban big data. We start with a brief review on historical walkable cities schemes; followed by a deliberation on what a walkable city is and what the spatial elements of a walkable city are; and a discussion on the emerging themes and empirical methods to measure the spatial and urban design features of a walkable city. The first part of this paper looks at key urban design propositions and how they were proposed to promote walkability. The second part of this paper discusses the concept of walkability, which is fundamental to designing a walkable city. We emphasize both the physical (walkways, adjacent uses, space) and the perceived aspects (safety, comfort, enjoyment), and then we look at the variety of spatial elements constituting a walkable city. The third part of this paper looks at the emerging themes for designing walkable cities and neighborhoods. We discuss the application of urban big data enabled by growing computational powers and related empirical methods and interdisciplinary approaches including spatial planning, urban design, urban ecology, and public health. This paper aims to provide a holistic approach toward understanding of urban design and walkability, re-evaluate the spatial elements to build walkable cities, and discuss future policy interventions.
2017 Nov 28

Film Screening of "Plastic China" and Q&A with Director WANG Jiuliang

6:30pm to 8:45pm


CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA

plastic china partial poster

After the screening, Director WANG Jiuliang will attend via Skype for a Q&A with the audience moderated by Professor ZHANG Ling of Boston College and the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. The discussion will be interpreted by Canaan Morse, a Ph.D. candidate in Chinese Literature at Harvard. 

Boston-area premiere co-sponsored by the Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy and Environment, Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Environment in Asia Series, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies; and Emergent Visions Film Screening Series, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.

Free admission to the film screening is made possible through the generous support of the Harvard Global Institute.... Read more about Film Screening of "Plastic China" and Q&A with Director WANG Jiuliang

MEP meeting


August 30, 2017

2017年8月4日,中国气候变化事务特别代表解振华主任在其北京的办公室举行了研究和政策咨询会,会晤哈佛大学中国项目的Mike McElroy和Steve Wofsy教授、项目执行总监Chris Nielsen、前哈佛大学中国项目学者张红军博士(霍兰德奈特律师事务所),以及鲁玺教授(清华大学)。议题包括:中美处理气候问题的现状以及地区政府在气候问题治理中日益重要的作用;中国不同地区碳排放控制能力的差异;碳市场与碳税收政策各自的优势和混合碳定价政策的前景;以及尝试用地球工程来解决气候问题所带来的高风险。... Read more about 同解振华特别代表和李干杰部长进行高层次会晤

Nan Zhong, Jing Cao, and Yuzhu Wang. 2017. “Traffic congestion, ambient air pollution and health: Evidence from driving restrictions in Beijing.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4, 3, Pp. 821–856. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Vehicles have recently overtaken coal to become the largest source of air pollution in urban China. Research on mobile sources of pollution has foundered due both to inaccessibility of Chinese data on health outcomes and strong identifying assumptions. To address these, we collect daily ambulance call data from the Beijing Emergency Medical Center and combine them with an idiosyncratic feature of a driving restriction policy in Beijing that references the last digit of vehicles’ license plate numbers. Because the number 4 is considered unlucky by many in China, it tends to be avoided on license plates. As a result, days on which the policy restricts license plates ending in 4 unintentionally allow more vehicles in Beijing. Leveraging this variation, we find that traffic congestion is indeed 22% higher on days banning 4 and that 24-hour average concentration of NO2 is 12% higher. Correspondingly, these short term increases in pollution increase ambulance calls by 12% and 3% for fever and heart related symptoms, while no effects are found for injuries. These findings suggest that traffic congestion has substantial health externalities in China but that they are also responsive to policy. 



May 27, 2016

由哈佛大学中国项目执行总监Chris Nielsen先生、哈佛T. H. Chan公共卫生学院James HAMMITT教授、北京大学政府学院沈明明教授和严洁教授领衔,一项对中国成都市家庭的跨学科入户问卷调查于2016年7月顺利完成,目前所有数据正在处理中。
... Read more about 在中国成都市进行关于出行习惯和环境健康风险的入户问卷调查
