Renewable and Low-Carbon Electric Power and Grid Integration

Xi Lu and Michael B. McElroy. 2017. “Global potential for wind generated electricity.” In Wind Energy Engineering: A Handbook for Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines, edited by Trevor M. Letcher. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Wind Energy Engineering: A Handbook for Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines is the most advanced, up-to-date and research-focused text on all aspects of wind energy engineering. Wind energy is pivotal in global electricity generation and for achieving future essential energy demands and targets. In this fast moving field this must-have edition starts with an in-depth look at the present state of wind integration and distribution worldwide, and continues with a high-level assessment of the advances in turbine technology and how the investment, planning, and economic infrastructure can support those innovations.

Each chapter includes a research overview with a detailed analysis and new case studies looking at how recent research developments can be applied. Written by some of the most forward-thinking professionals in the field and giving a complete examination of one of the most promising and efficient sources of renewable energy, this book is an invaluable reference into this cross-disciplinary field for engineers.

smog in china nytimes


July 14, 2014

区域性气候的不断变化有可能增加中国华北地区入冬后的大气静稳现象,并因此导致了近来的极端雾霾天气。这是中国及国际大气科学学术界都在积极研究的课题,也是哈佛大学中国项目举办的主题为 “中国2035年:能源、气候与发展”的研讨会上的议题之一——该研讨会于2014年6月18日至19日在哈佛上海中心召开,集结了中国顶尖的科学家、经济学家和政策分析家。
... Read more about 《纽约时报》报道哈佛大学中国项目调研及研讨会

McElroy headshot


September 25, 2015

哈佛大学中国项目主席Mike McElroy教授就中国最近的气候承诺接受《哈佛志》采访,就最新的中美公告将会如何影响联合国巴黎气候对话,以及这是否会促使美国官员对制订一个全国范围内的遏制碳排放计划持更开放态度等话题发表看法。... Read more about McElroy教授接受《哈佛志》采访就中美新气候联合声明发表看法

鲁玺教授等人关于风能的研究成果登上《自然-能源》(Nature Energy)期刊封面

鲁玺教授等人关于风能的研究成果登上《自然-能源》(Nature Energy)期刊封面

June 4, 2016

一项由鲁玺教授(现任清华大学教授)和哈佛大学中国项目主席Michael McELROY教授领衔的有关中国和美国风电发展面临挑战的对比研究,登上了《自然-能源》期刊 (Nature Energy),并作为封面文章刊发。该论文深入分析了导致风电出力不如预期的各种因素,包括弃风、风机质量差异和并网延期。
... Read more about 鲁玺教授等人关于风能的研究成果登上《自然-能源》(Nature Energy)期刊封面

beijing air pollution


January 10, 2017

哈佛大学中国项目执行总监Chris Nielsen先生与项目经济学家何文胜博士在《财富》杂志(包括《财富》杂志中文版)发表专栏文章,阐述了中国处于红色警报级别的空气污染情况之所以如此难以遏制,其背后被低估了的原因是什么。这些因素各种各样,与大气化学、气象、经济、政治等方面都有关。... Read more about 《财富》杂志刊登何博士和Nielsen总监有关中国空气污染困境的专栏文章


“中国2035年”系列讲座特邀迈克尔·斯宾塞(Michael Spence)、罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)和陆克文(Kevin Rudd)为讲座嘉宾

June 5, 2014

... Read more about “中国2035年”系列讲座特邀迈克尔·斯宾塞(Michael Spence)、罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)和陆克文(Kevin Rudd)为讲座嘉宾



April 8, 2016

See also: Multimedia
McElroy教授谈新书《能源与气候:展望未来》(Energy and Climate: Vision for the Future)

McElroy教授谈新书《能源与气候:展望未来》(Energy and Climate: Vision for the Future)

October 6, 2016

哈佛大学中国项目主席Michael MCELROY 教授接受了《哈佛志》的采访,谈论了他最新专著、由牛津大学出版社于2016年8月出版的《能源与气候:展望未来》(Energy and Climate: Vision for the Future)。在该书中,MCELROY 教授全面介绍了能源体系和气候变化问题,重点探讨了美国和中国的相关问题。

... Read more about McElroy教授谈新书《能源与气候:展望未来》(Energy and Climate: Vision for the Future)


February 18, 2014

哈佛大学中国项目研究人员陈新宇博士、鲁玺教授和项目主席Mike McELROY教授(Gilbert Butler环境学教授)领衔一项研究,调查研究在北京采用电力供暖作为能源储备的一种方式,缓解可再生能源并网波动,降低碳排放并减轻空气污染的前景。该研究论文发表在《环境科技》期刊(Environmental Science & Technology)。
... Read more about 哈佛大学中国项目研究:北京联合使用风电和电力供暖的优势

Michael B. McElroy. 2010. Energy: Perspectives, Problems and Prospects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The book offers a comprehensive account of how the world evolved to its present state in which humans now exercise a powerful, in many cases dominant, influence for global environmental change. It outlines the history that led to this position of dominance, in particular the role played by our increasing reliance on fossil sources of energy, on coal, oil and natural gas, and the problems that we are now forced to confront as a result of this history. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is greater now than at any time over at least the past 650,000 years with prospects to increase over the next few decades to levels not seen since dinosaurs roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Comparable changes are evident also for methane and nitrous oxide and for a variety of other constituents of the atmosphere including species such as the ozone depleting chlorofluorocarbons for which there are no natural analogues.

Increases in the concentrations of so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are responsible for important changes in global and regional climate with consequences for the future of global society which, though difficult to predict in detail, are potentially catastrophic for a world poorly equipped to cope. Changes of climate in the past were repetitively responsible for the demise of important civilizations. These changes, however, were generally natural in origin in contrast to the changes now underway for which humans are directly responsible. The challenge is to transition to a new energy economy in which fossil fuels will play a much smaller role. We need as a matter of urgency to cut back on emissions of climate altering gases such as carbon dioxide while at the same time reducing our dependence on unreliable, potentially disruptive, though currently indispensable, sources of energy such as oil, the lifeblood of the global transportation system. The book concludes with a discussion of options for a more sustainable energy future, highlighting the potential for contributions from wind, sun, biomass, geothermal and nuclear, supplanting currently unsustainable reliance on coal, oil and natural gas.
Junling Huang, Xi Lu, and Michael B. McElroy. 2014. “Meteorologically defined limits to reduction in the variability of outputs from a coupled wind farm system in the Central US.” Renewable Energy, 62, February, Pp. 331–340. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Studies suggest that onshore wind resources in the contiguous US could readily accommodate present and anticipated future US demand for electricity. The problem with the output from a single wind farm located in any particular region is that it is variable on time scales ranging from minutes to days posing difficulties for incorporating relevant outputs into an integrated power system. The high frequency (shorter than once per day) variability of contributions from individual wind farms is determined mainly by locally generated small-scale boundary layer. The low frequency variability (longer than once per day) is associated with the passage of transient waves in the atmosphere with a characteristic time scale of several days. Using 5 years of assimilated wind data, we show that the high frequency variability of wind-generated power can be significantly reduced by coupling outputs from 5 to 10 wind farms distributed uniformly over a ten state region of the Central US in this study. More than 95% of the remaining variability of the coupled system is concentrated at time scales longer than a day, allowing operators to take advantage of multi-day weather forecasts in scheduling projected contributions from wind.

Final Manuscript in DASH
This paper is from a series investigating and comparing the prospects for low- and non-carbon power generation in China and the U.S.

Potential for wind generated electricity in China
Michael B. McElroy, Xi Lu, Chris P Nielsen, and Yuxuan Wang. 2009. “Potential for wind generated electricity in China.” Science, 325, 5946, Pp. 1378-1380. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Wind offers an important alternative to coal as a source of energy for generation of electricity in China with the potential for substantial savings in carbon dioxide emissions. Wind fields derived from assimilated meteorological data are used to assess the potential for wind-generated electricity in China subject to the existing government-approved bidding process for new wind farms. Assuming a guaranteed price of 0.516 RMB (7.6 U.S. cents) per kilowatt-hour for delivery of electricity to the grid over an agreed initial average period of 10 years, it is concluded that wind could accommodate all of the demand for electricity projected for 2030, about twice current consumption. Electricity available at a concession price as low as 0.4 RMB per kilowatt-hour would be sufficient to displace 23% of electricity generated from coal.

Final Manuscript in DASH
This paper was the cover article of this issue of Science; click here ( to see the cover image of wind turbines near the Great Wall of China.
